It's our secret
The way we make Catanias® is the best kept secret from the Cudié family. A unique formula that has remained exclusive thanks to the exquisite combination of Mediterranean almonds and the secret family recipe of the white praline.
The original covering that we add to the almond is a great family secret. A recipe that has been kept from generation to generation and that, thanks to its unique design, creates the bouquet that is so characteristic of the Catanias®.
Considered to be one of the highest quality varieties of almond throughout the world, it is round, full, sweet and has a low percentage of bitterness. With its Mediterranean origins, Cudié strengthens its best qualities with a careful process of roasting and caramelizing.
Currently we are creating innovative, modern and surprising recipes, but these recipes hold to the careful policy of quality, completely handmade production and the secrets of a long family tradition.